Register for an upcoming webinar or watch a video of a previously recorded one.

The Road to Zero: Lessons learned since adopting Vision Zero in San José, CA
Recorded: September 14, 2023
Hear firsthand from UrbanLogiq’s COO, Herman Chandi, and Jesse Mintz-Roth, San José’s Vision Zero Program Manager. Together, they’ll discuss how their collaboration enabled city staff to harness crash and traffic data, highlighting incident hotspots and driving tangible safety improvements.

From Artificial Intelligence to Real World Sustainability: A Case Study in Big Data and Equitable Planning
Recorded: July 10, 2023
UrbanLogiq and the City of Nanaimo share the results of their collaboration and discuss the power of integrating public and private data for analysis. Speakers explore how responsible applications of AI in the public sector can help improve transportation planning, boost road safety, reduce congestion, and promote social equity.

Exploring a Universal High Injury Network Methodology
Recorded: May 9, 2023
Learn more about UrbanLogiq’s data-driven approach to generating High Injury Networks (HINs), offering a proactive and flexible way to target road safety improvements.

So, Your Agency Received an SS4A Action Plan Grant: Now What?
Recorded: March 28, 2023
Attend to learn valuable insights and practical advice from our panel of industry experts to help you develop an effective and future-proof SS4A-compliant Road Safety Action Plan.

Transforming Data Into Insights Using the UrbanLogiq Platform
Recorded: Thursday, June 24, 2021
Learn how UrbanLogiq streamlines data engineering, integration, and visualization to drive fast, actionable insights for public officials in this 60-minute webinar.

Digital Government in Action: The Evolving Strategic and Operational Role of IT in 2021
Recorded: March 25, 2021
Join us in conversation with renowned IT professionals from the City of San José, the capital of Silicon Valley and the world’s tech hub, to review lessons learned from this past year, and to look forward to charting the roadmap ahead. This free 60-minute discussion explores how IT professionals can still embrace innovation while planning for unique challenges along what will remain a turbulent road ahead.

KPMG InfraTech Imaginarium Series:
Why InfraTech? Why Now?
Recorded: January 26, 2021
Over the past 6 months, we have seen increasing interest in the application of Infratech to solve real-world challenges. Join this session for a discussion of how InfraTech delivers resilience, commercial and social benefits. Hear from industry leaders on how our road to reform starts now.

Real-Time Traffic & Performance Management for Large Construction Projects With the City of Ottawa
Recorded: December 3, 2020
Join us for a free virtual discussion in collaboration with the Intelligent Transportation Society of America and the City of Ottawa’s Rail Construction Program (RCP) Traffic & Transit Management department. Panellists explore the results of a project developed between UrbanLogiq and the City of Ottawa’s RCP to understand the impacts of long-term construction on the surrounding urban environment, specifically vehicular travel times.

Leveraging Data to Quantify the Impacts of Long-Term Construction on Travel Time [Virtual ITE Joint Midwestern & District Meeting Session]
Recorded: July, 2020
There has and continues to be significant growth in data collection primarily spurred by new and emerging technologies. Whether from traditional or unconventional sources, the resulting explosion of data presents transportation professionals with opportunities and challenges alike when planning for safe, efficient transportation networks. This presentation will highlight how diverse data sources such as telecommunications data and location-based services data, when analyzed in conjunction with traditional traffic datasets, can help identify more granular trends in mobility and assist to maintain the efficient flow of traffic.

Supporting Main Street Business Through Recovery
Recorded: July 29, 2020
How can government agencies better support main street businesses through times of crisis through effective, outcome-oriented digital programs? Join us for a conversation with Chris Rickett, Director of COVID-19 Business Mitigation and Recovery at the City of Toronto, on how to launch impactful programs and better measure their results. Moderated by UrbanLogiq’s COO, Herman Chandi, this hour-long free webinar explores how agencies can offer more tailored support to small businesses in today’s changing economic climate through collaboration and data-driven outcome planning.

Managing Equitable Economic Recovery
Recorded: Tuesday, June 16th, 2020
This hour long free webinar explores the topic of managing equitable economic recovery from COVID-19 and, in particular, how agencies can approach pandemic recovery as an opportunity to “build back better.” UrbanLogiq is joined by former guest Andy Yan, who brings his perspective as an accomplished urban planner and Simon Fraser University City Program Director to deep dive into issues and implications around community planning and economic recovery.

TexITE Safety Webinar
Recorded: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
To continue advancing the mission of Vision Zero throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, TexITE offered their safety session, originally planned for the District Corpus Christi Meeting, as an online webinar. Topics covered in this 90 minute session include:
- An Introduction to Safe Systems from Stephen Ratke, US Federal Highway Administration
- Leveraging Crash Data to Improve Operations and Safety from Mark Masongsong, UrbanLogiq
- The City of Frisco’s Walk ‘n Roll Safety Program from Joel Fitts, City of Frisco, TX

From Response to Recovery: How Our Communities Will Adapt After COVID-19
Recorded: Tuesday, April 28th, 2020
COVID-19 has disrupted our communities, temporarily reshaping how we move, learn, spend, and connect with one another. This webinar will explore the short and long-term impacts of these changes, and how they could fundamentally impact the “new normal” in a post-COVID world. Participating speakers will share their perspectives on what challenges, immediate needs, and “rebuilding tasks” cities face going from response to economic recovery, and how these will shape how we plan for safe, equitable, and economically resilient cities now and in the future.

Adventures in Data Innovation
From big data to smarter communities
Recorded: Thursday, October 17, 2019
Aiming to advance their agenda of building a Smart City, Henderson, Nevada engaged the analytics start-up UrbanLogiq to harness the power of data and artificial intelligence to better understand and predict the traffic impact of real estate developments. Join Henderson’s Alyssa A. Rodriguez and UrbanLogiq’s Mark Masongsong as they discuss the goals, challenges and lessons learned in turning big data into smarter communities.

Moving Data: Unlocking Land Potential Through Smarter Mobility
Recorded: July 2, 2019
Watch Mark Masongsong, CEO of UrbanLogiq talk about the convergence of big data, intelligent mobility, and economic development. This session will demonstrate the power of emerging and unconventional data sources, providing real-world examples where this data was harnessed to provide the insight governments need to address land management issues through better mobility decisions.

The Compounding Value of Data: Harnessing Unconventional Data for Long-Term Planning
Recorded: August 30, 2018
Watch Herman Chandi, head of product at UrbanLogiq as he shares best practices on how to make the most out of your traffic and mobility data. Viewers of this webinar will gain valuable insight into how to maximize the value of their traffic and mobility data for better long-term planning.
There are no upcoming webinars